If life is so short why are nights so long?
Must be that relativity theory
I think at times I’m doing life wrong

I have an illusion that i’m being strong
I don’t let anyone near me
If life is so short why are nights so long?

There is no tribe to which I belong
“To be or not” a too familiar query
I think at times I’m doing life wrong

My family and I don’t get along
I realize now that they fear me
If life is so short why are nights so long?

My style of writing works well in a song
But for poetry it can get weary
I think at times I’m doing life wrong

There was a time I saw life clearly
But that was due to Timothy Leary
If life is so short why are nights so long?
I think at times I’m doing life wrong

Throughout November I am writing a poem every day as part of an effort to raise funds for The Center For New Americans. If you like the poems (or even if you don’t) and would like to support this fantastic organization, please follow this link. Thanks.