The Poetry Police

The Poetry Police paid a visit last night
Drop the pen and nobody gets hurt!
They only come when I put out the light

There’s no need for handcuffs! They’re too tight!
They said they’d received an alert
The Poetry Police paid a visit last night

One thing is clear: they’re not very bright
Their eyes are dead and inert
They only come when I put out the light

Some things, they said, must remain from sight
You’re too much digging in dirt
The Poetry Police paid a visit last night

I want a lawyer!I have a right!
And why are you wearing my father’s shirt?
They only come when I put out the light

They left me in a room and said sit tight
I escaped disguised in my mother’s skirt
The Poetry Police paid a visit last night
They only come when I put out the light

Throughout November I am writing a poem every day as part of an effort to raise funds for The Center For New Americans. If you like the poems (or even if you don’t) and would like to support this fantastic organization, please follow this link. Thanks.